// CPC
The Canadian Prophetic Council has released many words over the seasons. This page serves as an archive for many of those words (organized by year).
The two words I hear for 2016 are TERRITORIAL GAINS.
From apostolic centres and ministry, we need to make territorial gains in 2 ways:
1. One is by establishing outposts that can be non only classical church plants, but also home meetings and groups, or smaller meetings in diverse venues. I see along river banks series of these little fires.
2. The second way to make territorial gains would be to constitute and send teams on the road. These teams will be beyond the already Alain Carontravelling ministers we have. They will come from the existing congregations: a guitar player, a few singers, a few prophetic people, a few intercessors, one or two than can preach, etc., small bands being dispatched for one-day regional missions, or more, setting the body on fire.
Making territorial gains is high on the Spirit world priorities
2016 Prophetic Words from Marc Brisebois
There is a prophetic battle brewing. Two key events speak to the underlying issues. The first is the battle over the Keystone Pipeline. It represents the struggle as God seeks to establish pipelines carrying the Oil of His Presence. The second is the significant drop in the price of oil. These are prophetic events in that they reflect an unseen spiritual battle of greater magnitude.
The truth is God is building delivery systems. These are made to deliver the oil of the Spirit into cities and nations. Their success is connected to how we value oil. When we truly value this oil we will be willing to bear the cost of acquiring it. As such the Spirit of God has been challenging our measure of the significance of oil.Particularly the Holy Spirit brought our attention to the significance in the drop in oil prices. It was seen as a symptom of a devaluation of oil by the church. In particular it applies to Psalm 133.
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!
It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.”
The oil is poured out when there is unity. It is not just any oil. This oil represents anointing for the priesthood – the work of the ministry! Our pursuit of unity demonstrates the relative importance of the oil. If we truly cherished the oil we would be far more resolute when it comes to division. The dropping price of oil was a reflection of value.
To this end the Lord is releasing intercession – a cry is rising for the oil of heaven. Not to be lost in this, is the reality of Christ as the Anointed One. The intercession is not just for revival but for the well ‘oiled ones’ to arise.
As such there is spiritual agitation particularly focused on the delivery of oil. In the natural this warfare is reflected in the current battle over pipelines which are the ‘delivery systems’. While there are several battles over pipelines the only name which rang out was the Keystone Oil Pipeline. The name “Keystone” is also very significant.
The significance of the spiritual battle is that it is over the ‘Key-Stone’. Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone! Which is to say the ‘key’ stone. He is the main stone – the primary stone. Furthermore the resistance to it is being waged from the political sphere. It is not a question so much of logistics or economics – it is politics.
In the same way the church is presently wrestling with a political spirit. This is worth noting. While much of our training and warfare for the last 20 years has been about the Religious Spirit, the Political Spirit is coming into view. God is training a new generation. This generation is being prepared to overcome the Political Spirit.
This is a great enemy responsible for much of the discord in churches today. It immobilizes our advance through polarized dissension. If the Body of Christ can successfully survive the gauntlet of this attack, spiritual breakthrough will come. Spiritual pipelines filled with oil will manifest everywhere. The Keystone Pipeline is not only about the supply of natural energy, it also speaks of God’s supply of spiritual energy for the journey ahead.
The Holy Ghost has been found!
October 22, 2015 by Marc Brisebois
From time to time stories in the headlines reveal spiritually important developments and strategies. This particular story underscores something we have been sensing for a while. It is clear that the end days church will be the most glorious. However, far more glorious is the One who makes her shine – The Holy Ghost.
A recent archaeological discovery has unearthed an historically key English warship called ‘The Holy Ghost’. The ship, belonging to King Henry the 5th, has laid hidden for almost six hundred years. Read Full Story Here Named the Holy Ghost, this discovery echoes the impending manifestation of power and glory coming upon the people of God.
The story caught my attention for 3 reasons. The first is the obviously prophetic title which underscores a sense of increase in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. The second is the fact that historically it is defined as a ship which ‘wrought bloody mayhem on our oldest enemy’. The third was the fact that this ship was captured and refitted to serve the King of England.
The summary for me begins by saying the Holy Ghost is defining the power of grace as never before. He is standing starkly against a backdrop of failed human enterprises and our confidence in what He is able and will to do, is growing by leaps and bounds. Furthermore He is rising to wreak bloody mayhem on our oldest enemy. But more than that, there is hidden significance in the history of this ship. The full story reveals the ship was actually a war trophy. It was captured from Spain in 1413 after which it was refitted and renamed.
It all reminds me of a word from a number of years ago released by a well-known prophet concerning war trophies. The heart of the word suggested that many weapons destined to destroy the works of the enemy had been captured and used against the church. The word essentially prophesied a time when a generation would recover these weapons to wreak havoc on the enemy. This prophetic storyline is a foreshadowing of this truth and resonates with in our hearts.My prayer is that we could rediscover the hidden power of the Holy Ghost. That we would see the Spirit of God would rise upon His people with awesome might and show the full breadth of His abilities. Rise and glorify our God, Oh Holy Ghost!
2016 Prophetic Word from Ray Mau: THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD
Here is a snapshot of what I heard:
1] 2016 will be a season of both a Joshua and a Jonah Generation.
a] Joshuas – both men n women. For those who carry the heart and spirit of a Joshua, in 2016 they will be found with a hunger n thirst for Intimacy with God. The Joshua we know of in Exodus 33:11 did not depart from the Tent of Meeting as Moses returned to the camp. He valued knowing God more than anything else. He had a hunger and thirst to know the Heart of God and desired an impartation of God’s Goodness in him. We saw the “Changing of the Guard” and Joshua being commissioned as the new leader to take the children of Israel into the Promised Land.
Gilgal [Joshua 5] became a place of Transitions and Transformation. This generation under Joshua’s leadership camped at Gilgal and was prepared for a transition in their hearts n minds. As well they were being transformed to become warriors to “go up and take possession” of their inheritance – the land promised by God. 2016 could be a time of Gilgal for us … transitions in our whole being and being transformed to become ‘new wineskins’ to receive the new wine for this new season and time.
b] Jonahs – both men n women. These will be those who know the Lord. They have made a commitment and even have a call on their lives. For various reasons they will depart from obeying the Lord like the original Jonah. Obedience to the Word of God and the Spirit of God is crucial in their lives. Running away is not an option although it may release some of the stress and anxiety they are under. God in His Goodness and Mercy is calling them back. His Grace, Love and Forgiveness if HUGE! Some will respond; others may not.
2] Changing of the Guard.
Two or so years ago, Rachel Hickson brought a message on the ‘Changing of the Guard.’ She saw the Lord placing mantles and anointings on the young n the old, men and women whose hearts and lives are being shaped by the Lord and emerging with “new wineskins” for the new season and times ahead [including 2016 and beyond]. They will be emerging as the new leadership for the new season and times to come alongside the Captain of the Lord’s host.
They are being trained by the Holy Spirit and are being prepared for battle. I Ray wrote an email on Dec 3rd: in the “Spirit” I felt Holy Spirit say: “there is a storm front coming from the enemy in the form of spiritual warfare. Glad Tidings is targeted for these reasons: 1] God’s Vision 2015 which has been cast and embraced by the GT family [in unity]; 2] the scores of new salvations with people submitting to Jesus every Sunday ; 3] the focus of entering into a relationship of intimacy with Holy Spirit; and, 4] through Growth Track followers of Jesus Christ are finding their identity in Jesus and gifting for Love and Service, glorying Abba Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.”
So what will this spiritual warfare look like? Since Satan does not have any wisdom [the Fear of the Lord, is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding], he will use time-tested weapons of personal and mass destruction. They are; anxiety, stress, disunity between leaders n their spouses n families, misunderstandings by members n congregation, even, rumblings and lies, etc. He will cause harm – physical and psychological – where ever he can. His mission is to kill, steal and destroy any reflection and reality of God’s Grace and Goodness in us.
In closing, the writer below states that in the prophecy below … there will be earthquakes, etc. We just had an earthquake in the region of Victoria two nights ago. In the St. Louis area, the grand Mississippi River is flooding a wide area where over 32 million Americans have been evacuated and many millions of homes and businesses are now under water.
And the Good News is… Ps 91! As we “dwell under the shelter of the Most High and abide in the shadow of the Almighty, He will be our refuge and our fortress. Question: what does 3 + 1 = 1 mean? I’ve been pondering this formula for awhile now. Sort of my creation. 3 = Father, Son n Holy Spirit. 1 = you, me, etc. So… Jesus said in John 14:23 that He and Father would make their abode with us. Jesus already asked Father for the Holy Spirit to be in us. Therefore… 3 [Them] plus 1 [you, me] = 1 [oneness in intimacy] … will be our armour and our Victory.
2016 Prophetic Word from Peggy Kennedy: NOW ASSIGNMENT OF THE CHURCH OF CANADA IN PRAYER
The “now assignment of the Church of Canada in prayer” (post election/new government) guiding and guarding.
There are two sides of the same coin: Stand on guard: guarding Canada from and guarding the new government(1)…we must pray for Mr. Trudeau for divine wisdom, for righteous advisors, for divine help as he steps into a most difficult role with demands that he has never faced as he leads in our turbulent times and (2) we must pray to stand on guard for our Canada to protect from the frenzied foes that will seek to fortify through him things that are contrary to the Lord’s divine destiny……Two sides of the same coin…and each comes under: “God keep our land…we stand on guard…”
Psalm 72:1 (The “other” verse on the Peace Tower.)
Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king’s son.
The media has emphasized since the Oct. 19th election of Justin Trudeau that for the first time in our history we have the “son” of a former prime minister elected and leading the government. Just hours after the election the Lord asked me, “What is the “other” verse on the Peace Tower?”
I knew the Lord was referring to Psalm 72:1 which is “chiseled” onto our Peace Tower on another side from the very familiar Psalm 72:8……”He shall have dominion from sea to sea…” For the first time our nation now has a “king’s son. This “other” verse has been engraved and awaiting this hour. We the Church, must declare that righteousness be given to this “king’s son” as per our godly heritage enscribed on the peace tower. Our history gives us not only direction but authority to do so. Trudeau is in position by virtue of the vote. He will be positioned for righteous rule by the enforcement of the CHURCH.
In addition to the general flow of our video conference call today, I am sending another word which I am sensing for our nation for the coming year. We will be naming this year: Prophetic Fullfillment.
On November 6th I was praying for a small community where we were going to minister. To my complete surprise I heard the Lord announce: “This is one of my winecellars. This is where “treasure is stored in a secret place.”
This immediately tied together a word I had heard and carried for many years. At that time I was part of praying over a leader who had been significantly used in our nation during the charismatic renewal of the 1970’s. I suddenly began to feel the loss of that era of “golden days” of divine activity. My agonizing cry was, “Where did it all go, Lord?”
He answered: “I have many wine cellars across the nation where I have carefully stored the rich wine harvested from that season. Though it will remain in a place of darkness for a time, I will faithfully draw it out and serve it at the banqueting table that I will set. In that hour the large company that are drawn to the banquet will require not only “new wine” but will need and benefit greatly from the “best – the vintage wine” of previous moves of my Spirit.”
Everything that God has done is because of what God is going to do.
As we move into 2016 I have sensed that He will begin to reveal these “wine cellars”, these places where treasure is stored in secret places. In looking at Isaiah 45 where that concept is stated, I sensed there will be a specific anointing released upon the Church in the coming year to accomplish prophetic fulfillment even as Cyrus is described prophetically in the chapter. The anointing prophesied in advance but released at the time when the word will be fulfilled will be many faceted but will reflect the Lord’s sovereignty despite the geo-political landscape. As noted in Ezra 1 there will be a sovereign stirring by the Spirit upon even government leadership, upon church leaders, and upon the people of God who will respond to the call to be activated into divine plans. All of this in its uniqueness will bring great glory to the Lord.
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to share.
“The Year Of Exponential Advancement”
(Including the Physical Realm)
We are entering into a brand new 7 year season of Abundance, called, “The Age of The Kingdom!”
Daniel 7:21 & 22, “21 “I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, 22 until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favour of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom.”
Isaiah 43:16-21 The Message (MSG)
This is what God says,
the God who builds a road right through the ocean,
who carves a path through pounding waves,
The God who summons horses and chariots and armies—
they lie down and then can’t get up;
they’re snuffed out like so many candles:
“Forget about what’s happened;
don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?
There it is! I’m making a road through the desert,
rivers in the badlands.
Wild animals will say ‘Thank you!’
—the coyotes and the buzzards—
Because I provided water in the desert,
rivers through the sun-baked earth,
Drinking water for the people I chose,
the people I made especially for myself,
a people custom-made to praise me.
“Do Not remember the former things, Nor consider the old.”
“BEHOLD! I will do a NEW thing, NOW it shall spring forth:”
Isaiah 48:6&7, “ You have heard; See all this. And will you not declare it? I have made you hear new things from this time, Even hidden things, and you did not know them. 7 They are created now and not from the beginning; And before this day you have not heard them, Lest you should say, ‘Of course I knew them.”
We are about create with God, a brand new day. Our words matter and are powerful and create just like God does.
Kicking off this Brand New/Now season called, “The Age of The Kingdom” is, “The Year of Exponential Advancement.”
The Influence of Terror in your life is… Over:
Psalms 91:5-13, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your righthand,
but it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look, And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord who is my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you, Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall gives His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You SHALL tread upon the lion and the cobra, the young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
It’s time that we arise and take off the grave clothes of fear and be who we have been called to be… The Answer!
John 17, the Lord says to the Father, “… Don’t take them out, but keep them in…”
You’ve have been placed in Chaos to bring forth Order.
It’s time to advance into dark places and shine as the answer!
It’s time to advance in Faith into God’s Dream for our lives and out of the containment of Fear!
We are coming out of 14 years of Terrorism, where we have made significant advancements in the Kingdom, through tribulation.
The bible teaches that there are three ways that you enter into the Kingdom. Two are seasonal, which are, “As a Child” and “Violently Taking it by Force”. The third way is, “Through Tribulation. Entering into the Kingdom through tribulation is a daily thing. The bible says, that each day has sufficient evil for that day. As the enemy comes against His saints illegally, gives the Lord a legal opportunity to come in and pour out a greater Grace, to more then make up for the opposition of the Day.
In this past season there was a greater level of tribulation, then just the evil of a day.
The enemy has taken his greatest shot, but has failed to take us out and has actually provided the impetus to launch us into the greater day, because of the greater Grace made available.
On Tuesday morning September 11th 2001, we had a significant attack against our western culture. We received, what some call, a wakeup and others an emergency call. Infamously known as, 9/11. 19 terrorists hijacked 4 planes, steering 2 into the twin towers on Wall Street in the Financial district, then another jet was steered into the Pentagon. Then the terrorists final attempt was at striking the White House with the fourth. Fortunately this was averted by heroic actions 3 taken by the passengers. These Terror attacks were a direct assault against our finances, our protection and our government. I know this was in the USA, but on a larger scale, it was to strike fear into the hearts of all who enjoy the benefits and freedoms that Christianity brought to so many spheres of influence. Whether people want to believe it or not, western society was built on the foundation of religious freedoms, through Judaeo and Christian practices including, the basis of our Law founded upon the Word of God.
The second significant strike of terror came on September 29th, 2008. Seven years after of 9/11, the market crashed 777.7(68) points in one day. This was the biggest one day crash in the history of the Dow Jones that caused a 1.2 trillion dollar loss in one day.
I won’t at this time get into all the prophetic imagery, but we need to know the enemy is always trying to induce fear to enforce his will in the earth. Over the last 14 years we have been engaged in quite a battle against fear and the of spirit of terrorism.
Like I said, the enemy has fired his best shot, which is terror, because he knows that his grip on the world is coming to a close. The knowledge of the Glory of the Lord and the revelation of His Kingdom is filling the whole world.
The enemy knows if he can get man to agree with him, he will continue in some level of authority.
That time is over!
His gig is up, to many people are coming to the knowledge of who they are and will not be dictated by the circumstantial evidence in this temporary realm.
Habakkuk 3:19, “The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make 4 [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!”
We have been making spiritual progress upon our high places of trouble, suffering and responsibility.
We have been storing up great Grace, over the last 2 seasons of Terror. We have been learning how to stand and in all things stand. We have seen the faithfulness of God. We have continually seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. We have seen Him come through time and time again and we have in these seasons learned to trust Him, His word and our own callings. We have had a great grace to stand!
It’s time to receive the Grace, to not just stand, but to begin to operate in the abundance of Grace, to speak to the mountains and SEE them removed and speak to the mountains and SEE them invaded. It’s time to take territory, both in the Spirit and in the physical.
God is giving us a Great Grace to speak to our promised land and prophesy to our spheres of influence. This is in direct response to the opposition of the last season and for those who have stood and in all things stood. This is prophetically seen in Ezekiel 36:1-15, where the Lord commands Ezekiel to prophesy to the mountain.
The revelation of the Seven Spheres of influence or the Seven Mountains within Culture, was revealed to us by Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham. Then popularized by Lance Wallnau and Johnny Enlow. Through this revelation, God has given us a clear vision of what to aim at as we make the Kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of our God.
These are;
Church & Religion
Schools & Education 5
Media (Print, Radio&Television)
Celebration (Art, Entertainment&Sport)
These are the Mountains of Culture that we are to take and this is the year that we have the greatest opportunity to make exponential advancement within them. We are entering into the years of the Kingdom.
The anointing that we operate in is called a, “Believers Anointing”. It’s not just a Pastor’s, Apostle’s or Prophet’s anointing, it is a believer’s Anointing. We must all operate in that anointing everyday. Three percent of the Kingdom are part of the fivefold office gifts. Whereas 97 percent of people in the Kingdom are called to the market place, where they need to know, that not only can they operate in the anointing and preach from the their pulpit, but they need to know they are called by God to take that Kingdom and make it the Kingdom of our God.
The Beginning of, “The Age of The Kingdom”:
Johnny Enlow says that we have entered into the spring of the Kingdom.
We have learned much in the past season and have been believing even when we haven’t been seeing the manifestation.
John 20:29, “Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
As we have been believing and standing and have not seen what we know God is longing to do in, on and through us. There has been reservoir of Anointing being stored up for us.
How we have responded to the opposition of the last 2 seasons will have a huge bearing on how far we will go in this new season.
If you can see it, you can have it!
In the midst of the flood of fear coming at you in the last season, sometimes all you could say was, “Lord I am willing to be, willing…” If you had the audacity to say this in the dark night of the soul, then you are most likely going to be one of the ones being propelled in this next season.
Let’s look at 2Kings 2:10 Where Elijah was about to leave and he says to Elisha, “You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, If you SEE me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if (you don’t SEE me) not, it shall not be so.
We know from the previous verses of this chapter that Elisha asked for a double portion from Elijah. Elijah says that Elisha asked for a “hard thing”, BUT if he SEE’S him when he leaves him, he can have what he desired.
Here’s the catch, Elisha had to see Elijah go, or the deal was off.
What is so important about seeing?
Matter of a fact is… “What you behold, is what you will become.” What you continually are focussing upon will begin to reproduce in your life.
Your perception is your reality. Fear has tried in every way to catch your attention.
What you PAY attention too, you are spending, time currency on and what you pay for… you get.
Job 3:25 says, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.”
In 1Kings 18:2(b), we see Elijah receiving a message from Jezebel saying that may the God’s do worst to me then you did to the prophets of Baal, if I don’t kill you by this time tomorrow! The bible goes on to say, that Elijah “saw that”. Saw that! It doesn’t say he heard it, it says he saw that! He began to pay attention and behold what she says. Not to belabour a point, but fear captured many of our hearts, back just before Y2K.
I was in business and owned several businesses from 1992 till 2009 and we did not know what we were going to do, because according to many of the experts, everything including the Dow Jones was going to crash because the proper preparations were not done to prepare for the new millennium.
I believe, like Job, fear gripped us and this allowed terrorism to have accessibility into our planet.
Here’s the Good News according to 1John 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.”
In this year of 5776 or what the Israelis call Ayin Vav, is the year where we will see heaven invade earth at an unprecedented level with the most power force in the multiverse… LOVE! Ayin meaning “Seeing” and VAV, “The connector”. Where we will see the connection made between Heaven and Earth.
Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heavens and (vav et) earth. Genesis 1:1 Re’shiyth (Ray-sheeth) Elohiym ‘et bara’ shamayim vav et erets. Vav (waw) is the sixth word of the bible. Man (the number of man is, 6) has and is becoming the connection to bring the Kingdom to earth.
As we continue to cry out to Him in the midst of fears and in the face of terrorism, His perfect love will be released at a far greater level then the fear or terror of the day.
Get ready for a fresh significant outpouring of the ferocious Love of the Father to embrace humanity and dispossess the power of anxiety, depression, fear and terror!
Abundance Of Anointing:
In the next season, we will enter in by an overabundance of anointing being manifested in, on and through our lives.
Let’s look at Matthew 25:1-13, The Kingdom is like 10 virgins that went out to meet the Bridegroom. This was noble and what was expected. They even had a spirit of expectancy on them, as they were trimming their wicks and beautifying themselves and getting ready.
BTW, these are Not, 5 virgins and 5 prostitutes.
No, they are all virgins, the distinguishing point is quite simple; 5 were wise & had more than enough oil and 5 were unwise and did not have enough oil.
So the unwise ask the wise, can we have some of your oil and the wise say NO!
It’s not only ok to say NO to something that you know you’re not called to, but it is literally a have to say NO!
Here’s Why, the wise say no, because they did not want to miss the Bridegroom that was going to be there soon. The W5 (wise virgins) did 9 not want to miss their day of visitation. So they tell the oilless believers to go and buy oil from the ones that sell oil.
In the Kingdom of God you purchase, by Faith, through hunger and thirst. The unwise had enough oil to live in the kingdom, but didn’t have enough to operate within the levels of the next advancement of the Kingdom.
Interesting fact, the 5 unwise virgins could still go buy oil. They were good girls doing a good thing, they trimmed their wicks and went to get more oil, all noble, but just doing something good is not good enough. They were good girls doing good things at the wrong time in the wrong places and they missed their moment of visitation and missed out on the next great move here on the earth. The Bridegroom has come for the remnant that was waiting for him fully clothed in His Glory. The many revivals and awakenings of the past were Him showing up and taking His people a little further in, a little further up and would begin to reveal the mysteries and restore parts of the Kingdom.
As the 5 unwise are gone the bridegroom comes for those who were READY… and He takes them into the wedding feast and shuts the door.
So the unwise virgins comeback having missed His coming and begin to say, “Lord, Lord, open to us!” But he answers and says, “Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.
Assuredly, I say to you, I don’t know you! Ouch! I’m like, are you kidding me, these girls are trying to everything they know to do and they miss out because of timing?
Yes, because it’s called religion.
One of the end time schemes of the enemy, is to keep the saints/ virgins busy doing good things and not the God thing. Keeping busy doing what is expected, doing what seems right to man, but not learning or obeying the voice of the Father.
Here’s something else very important. When the bridegroom says, Assuredly, I don’t know you. The word “know” here, I always thought was the greek word ginosko, meaning to know intimately and experientially, but it’s not, it’s actually the greek word Eido, which means, “to SEE”.
So Lord’s saying, “Assuredly, I say to you, I CAN’T SEE You.” I think it is more like remorse, then a rebuke. I think when we miss out on His comings, He’s more sad and disappointed, then angry.
We as the church are the chaste virgins waiting for the arrival of the King. He is about to bring us into the next huge and maybe into the last great move of the Spirit to every grace this physical realm and are we ready? Do we have enough oil manifested from our lives.
We cannot just be containers of the Kingdom. We cannot just be arks of the presence. We cannot just live in heaven. WE must learn how to bring the Kingdom, His Presence and Heaven to earth. We must learn how to live in the Spirit AND also walk in the Spirit. We must prophetically receive from Isaiah 60 that says, Arise and shine for your light has come and the Glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Though there is darkness on the earth and deep darkness on the people my Glory will rise upon and will be SEEN on you. The gentiles shall come to your rising and according to the brightness of your rising, so shall the Kings, CEO, CFO, Prime Ministers & Presidents come.
Because the same weighty/bright anointing that causes the King of all the Multiverses to SEE you, is the same anointing that causes your Harvest and people from all walks of life to come to you. The Law of Attraction is enforced, because of the Favour shield of God all around us, manifested from our inner most being and released into our spheres of Influence.
The abundance of Oil that you are manifesting on yourself, has become a landing pad for the Prince of peace, an answer for you and to the world.
The whole world is waiting for the Manifestations of the son’s of God to come forth:
The veil of the flesh is rent and the Glory or weightiness/greatness/ brightness of the anointing can come on us, be SEEN on us and begin to flow through us on a greater level, with intentionality.
Like Acts 1:8 says, But you SHALL receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you… UP & ON you! The only effective and transferable anointing is a tangible anointing that is SEEN on YOU.
This is what makes you the answer to this world. You are the light of this world and you are the flavour of this world.
You are the gateway (authority) to this world and you are the Doorway to the supernatural, according to Psalms 24:7.
The heavens are the heavens of the Lord but the earth has been given to the son’s of men.
It’s time to shake off the grave clothes of fear and doubt, that the enemy tried to put on us over the past 14 years and begin to arise and shine and be the answer that He has purposed us to BE!